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From Phantasy Star Universe Clementine
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Phantasy Star Universe: Clementine
Photon Fortune
Date Human Newman CAST Beast
Feb. 10 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 0

Clementine Updates

Current Event:
February 8th - March 2nd, 2025
Burning Love

Event Missions:
Scorched Valley
Duet Under Sakura

Active Boosts
Event Missions Only
  • x2 EXP
  • x2.5 MP

Welcome to the Phantasy Star Universe: Clementine Wiki!

The Clementine Wiki is dedicated to Phantasy Star Universe, an online RPG by SEGA, and its private server Clementine. Created by the Clementine staff and various helpers, this wiki will provide information regarding Phantasy Star Universe: Clementine.

Make sure to read the Clementine Rules and Guidelines and then check out the Clementine Discord to engage more with the community or get help with either technical or gameplay related questions.

The Getting Started guide will help with setting up the game and getting introduced to the gameplay basics. The F.A.Q. provides frequently asked questions and answers as well as known fixes to common technical issues.

New to the GUARDIANS Advanced Style (GAS) customization system and unsure on how to spend AP? NDW and Jess have a helpful GAS builds guide that assists with specific builds for each Type.
Don't forget to also join the official Clementine discord where the type advice channel can be found with discussion posts for each type, including some expert advice on how to efficiently play each one!

The Resurrection of a Forgotten Star

On September 27, 2012, a piece of all GUARDIANS' hearts was finally ripped away as SEGA officially closed all service for Phantasy Star Universe. PSU was loved by many, and hated by many. Many who sought after ways of reviving their beloved game ultimately failed in the end. Marmalade, the lead developer of Clementine, has put in years of hard work and dedication to the Clementine project to enable thousands to relive the fond memories of playing PSU online once again. No amount of thanks can show our appreciation towards him.

This resurrection could not have happened without the support of our community. Thank you to all who have supported us, whether it be from simple testing, or donating to our Patreon; your support is what has allowed Clementine to come to fulfillment. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you! We hope to see you around the Gurhal System.

Getting Started

With all that sappy talk out of the way, please enjoy our Wiki and all its information it has to offer!

If you're new to Phantasy Star Universe, have a look at our getting started guide! Tips are also available for exploring the wiki.

Below, you can find links to major navigation points throughout the Wiki, as well as on the sidebar to the left under Game Info.

  • If you want to learn more about the planets of Phantasy Star Universe and their lore, visit Gurhal System.
  • To learn more about gameplay, visit Weapons, Photon Arts, Line Shields, Units, and Types. These pages provide general information for gameplay.
  • To learn more about rooms and their associated elements, please visit My Room.
  • To learn more about upgrading weapons, visit Grinding on the sidebar.
  • To learn more about fashion, visit Clothes and Parts.
  • To learn more about various missions and enemies in the game, please visit Missions, Enemies, and Bosses.
  • Finally, to learn more about Synthesis (crafting), please visit Item Synthesis.

Site Navigation
Characters Equipment Photon Arts Missions Locations Miscellaneous
Partner Machines Weapons Skills Ultimate Missions GUARDIANS Central Hub Grinding
Humans Line Shields Bullets Mission List GUARDIANS Colony Photon Fortune
Newmans Units TECHNICs Rare Missions Parum Updates
CASTs Consumables Neudaiz Events
Beasts Clothes and Parts Moatoob Types
Bestiary Item Drops Community Synthesis My Room Set Bonuses
Enemies Area Drops Clementine Discord Item Synthesis Areas Formulae
Rare Enemies Enemy Drops GM Raffles Synthesis Ingredients Chat Commands
Synthesis Boards Chat Macros